Porndemic - Lilith Likes to Watch Documentary December 2021
Title: Porndemic Year: 2018 Starring: Tom Byron, Trish Deveraux, Marc Wallice, Bill Margold, Sharon Mitchell Director: Spookie Daly Synopsis: The inside story of the 1998 HIV outbreak that tore through the San Fernando Valley adult film industry told by the people who experienced it. Using archival footage and exclusive, original interviews, the film goes behind the scenes of the porn industry as it confronted a deadly disease which was a threat to its very existence. - Via Letterboxd Lilith's Notes: A perspective on the Porn industry and AIDS epidemic that isn't often considered. "Everybody in that business at that time was whistling past the graveyard." Have you ever watched the quote-unquote documentary, Zeitgeist: The Movie ? If you haven't, don't. It's garbage. It's peak "These are facts because I'm saying them against suggestive footage and eerie music" Check-mate video presentation. Among other things, it argues that Jesus...