
Showing posts from December, 2021

Porndemic - Lilith Likes to Watch Documentary December 2021

Title: Porndemic Year: 2018 Starring: Tom Byron, Trish Deveraux, Marc Wallice, Bill Margold, Sharon Mitchell   Director: Spookie Daly Synopsis:  The inside story of the 1998 HIV outbreak that tore through the San Fernando Valley adult film industry told by the people who experienced it. Using archival footage and exclusive, original interviews, the film goes behind the scenes of the porn industry as it confronted a deadly disease which was a threat to its very existence. - Via Letterboxd Lilith's Notes: A perspective on the Porn industry and AIDS epidemic that isn't often considered. "Everybody in that business at that time was whistling past the graveyard." Have you ever watched the quote-unquote documentary, Zeitgeist: The Movie ? If you haven't, don't. It's garbage. It's peak "These are facts because I'm saying them against suggestive footage and eerie music" Check-mate video presentation. Among other things, it argues that Jesus...

Circus of Books - Lilith Likes to Watch Documentary December 2021

Title: Circus of Books Year: 2019 Starring:  Karen Mason, Barry Mason, Rachel Mason Director: Rachel Mason Synopsis:  For decades, a nice Jewish couple ran Circus of Books, a porn shop and epicenter for gay LA. Their director daughter documents their life and times. - Via Netflix Lilith's Notes: Circus of Books, the store, has been reopened as Chi Chi LaRue's Circus, a high-end adult boutique. "I think what we did was small human kindesses." When I say things like "I am not a historian" or "I've never been to film school", I'm not saying it to flaunt my ignorance. I'm saying to make it clear that I am aware I have blind spots. I'm just a woman who likes porn and likes talking about it, and likes to flaunt what meager knowledge I do have. It's why I enjoy documentaries; they me feel like I'm learning in a passive way. I was never a good student. All this made me a little nervous to review Circus of Books  because the trai...

A Secret Love - Lilith Likes to Watch Documentary December 2021

Title: A Secret Love Year: 2020 Starring: Terry Donahue, Pat Henschel Director: Chris Bolan Synopsis: Falling in love in 1947, two women -- Pat Henschel and pro baseball player Terry Donahue -- begin a 65-year journey of love and overcoming prejudice. - Via IMDB Lilith's Notes: The story of girl's baseball was made popular in the film A League of Their Own   "They've always been Auntie Terry and Auntie Pat." A trailer, or commercial can tell a person one reality, and when you watch the final product, a different reality is revealed. Such is the power of advertising. A Secret Love is the story of  Pat and Terry, two women who fell in love in the 40s. Terry was a baseball player in the All-American Girl's Professional Baseball League, a pioneer for women and feminism everywhere. She meets Pat, and it's instant love. This movie was sold to me as a trip down memory lane, a dual history of two women who had been in love for decades, and the struggles they...

Wacky World of X-Rated Bloopers - Lilith Likes to Watch Documentary December 2021

Title:  Wacky World of X-Rated Bloopers Year: 1989 Starring: Ron Jeremy & friends. Director: Kimberly Carson Synopsis:  Taken from 100's of hours of footage, see 69 of the biggest adult stars in the most hilarious and unbelievable situations imaginable! Lilith's Notes:  It is my personal mission to provide you all with a reprieve from the holiday season, and there’s a lack of quality holiday porn, so once again, I welcome you all to Documentary December 2021! "What was her name again?" In my mind, I have two distinct demographics who read my reviews. The first are people my age; born in the 80’s and have lived on this earth for some time. The second are people who just turned 18 and stumbled across my site because they Googled “Who is Misty Beethoven?” Today, for this review, I’m speaking to the people of my generation. If you grew up when I did you probably subsisted on a healthy dose of America’s Funniest Home Videos , or Candid Camera . You laughed, and got...